Deployment Scenarios and Required Components
1. Required Components
First and foremost, we would require more or less all Openstack components at our last stage of work. However, it's best to choose only those vital components that provide us with a minimal viable product at the very first stage of work so as to reduce any unnecessary complexity for now.
In our first step, we would need:
- Network/ Controller: provide networking, manage authentication
- Nova: runs the hypervisor
- Cinder or Block Storage: provide volume for instances
- Glance: capture images from virtual machines or instances.
- Swift: store volume backups as well as instance images
- Keystone: provide authentication
- Horizon: API's for specifying instance specifications and settings
In second step:
- Heat: orchestrates cloud
- Ceilometer: monitors Cinder, Nova and Glance
In the following figure, all OpenStack components together with their relations are shown.
Fig 1: OpenStack components and their functions